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Mitral Valve Repair With A New Generation Ring Via Minimally Invasive Approach: Results From The International Prospective Mantra Study
Ilir Hysi1, Marco Di Eusanio2, Yeong-Hoon Choi3, Nikolaos Bonaros4, Joerg Kempfert5, Cristian Baeza6, Giovanni Troise7, Davide Pacini8, Francesco Pollari9, Giuseppe Santarpino10, Vincenzo Argano11, Luigi Badano12, Omer Dzemali13;
1Lens Hospital and Bois Bernard Private Hospital, Lens, France, Lens, France, 2Ospedali Riuniti Ancona, Ancona, Italy, Ancona, Italy, 3Kerckhoff Klinik, Bad Nauheim, Germany, Bad Nauhiem, Germany, 4Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria, Innsbruck, Austria, 5Klinik für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité, Berlin, Germany, Berlin, Germany, 6University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, USA, Cleveland, OH, USA, 7Poliambulanza Foundation Hospital, Brescia, Italy, Brescia, Italy, 8Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna, Italy, Bologna, Italy, 9Klinikum Nürnberg-Paracelsus Medical University, Nuremberg, Germany, Nuremberg, Germany, 10Città di Lecce Hospital. Lecce, Italy, Lecce, Italy, 11Policlinico Paolo Giaccone, Palermo, Italy, Palermo, Italy, 12Department of Cardiology, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, IRCCS, Milano, Italy and Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca Milan, Italy, Milan, Italy, 13University Hospital of Zurich, Clinic for Cardiac Surgery, Zurich, Switzerland and City Hospital of Zurich—Triemli, Clinic for Cardiac Surgery, Zurich Switzerland., Zurich, Switzerland

BACKGROUND:The aim of this study is to report the preliminary real-word clinical and hemodynamic performance from the MANTRA study ( NCT05002543) in patients undergoing minimally invasive mitral valve repair (MI-MVr) with a new generation semi-rigid ring.
METHODS:MANTRA is an ongoing “umbrella” prospective, multi-center, international post-market study to collect real-life safety and performance data on Corcym devices (Corcym S.r.l, Saluggia, Italy). Clinical and echocardiographic outcomes were collected preoperatively, at discharge and at each follow-up. KCCQ-12 questionnaires were collected preoperatively and at 30-days. Echocardiographic studies were assessed by an independent core-lab.
RESULTS:Between July 2021 and October 2023, among the 170 subjects undergoing MVr with Corcym semi-rigid ring, 97 underwent MI-MVr in 12 International institutions through mini-thoracotomy approach. The mean age at surgery was 59.1±11.9 years with a mean EuroSCORE II of 1.3±1.3. Primary mitral regurgitation was the most common etiology (73, 75.35%), followed by Barlow’s (17, 17.5%), secondary mitral regurgitation (4, 4.1%) and other etiology (3, 3.1%). Operative and postoperative outcomes are reported in Table 1. Most surgeries were done via direct visualization (42, 43.3%), video assisted in 30 cases (30.9%), and fully endoscopic in 25 subjects (25.8%). Concomitant tricuspid valve repair was performed in 14 subjects (14.4%), atrial septal repair in 10 cases (10.3%), and atrial fibrillation treatment in 21 cases (21.6%). Thirty-day mortality was 0.0%, and only two reoperations were reported within 30 days (2.1%).Surgery resulted in a marked improvement in patients’ NYHA class, associated with a clinically significant increase in KCCQ-12 summary score (from 70.6±24.3 preoperatively to 83.1±16.5 at 30-day, p<0.0001). End-diastolic left ventricular diameters decreased from 55.06±6.86 preoperatively to 50.13±6.57 mm at 30-day follow-up, and left atrial volume decreased from 130.96±50.04 preoperatively to 89.32±39.65 ml at 30days. Mitral regurgitation decreased significantly after the operation and up to 30-day follow-up. CONCLUSIONS:In this prospective multicenter study, MI-MVr with the new generation semi-rigid ring confirmed to be safe and effective, providing good clinical outcomes, moderate-to-large improvement of the patient’s Quality of Life at 30days, and good early hemodynamic performance with optimal reduction of the severity of MR and preservation of the left ventricular function.
Table 1_Operative and post-operative outcomes

Overall populationN=97
Minimally Invasive approach [n, (%)]
Mini thoracotomy• Direct visualization• Fully endoscopic• Video assisted97 (100.0%)42 (43.3%)25 (25.8%)30 (30.9%)
Concomitant procedure [n, (%)] Tricuspid Valve Repair AF Treatment Atrial Septal Defect Repair14(14.4%)21 (21.6%)10 (10.3%)
Repair Details, N (%)- Posterior leaflet resection- Anterior leaflet resection- Cleft closure- Alfieri / edge-to-edge repair- Replacement posterior chordae- Replacement anterior chordae24 (24.7%)3 (3.1%)23 (23.7%)8 (8.2%)39 (40.2%)7 (7.2%)
Safety Early Outcome (≤ 30 days) [n, (%)]
All Deaths0 (0.0%)
Re-intervention on mitral valve2 (1.4%)
Stroke0 (0.0%)
Acute Kidney Failure1 (0.7%)
Endocarditis0 (0.0%)
AV-block III4 (4.1%)
Myocardial Infarction1 (0.7%)
Baseline30 days
KCCQ-12 Summary score [mean±SD]n=9670.6±24.3n=8983.1±16.5
Echocardiographic finding [mean±SD]Baseline30 days
Left Ventricular End-Diastolic Diameter [mm]n=5455.06±6.86n=6950.13±6.47
Left Ventricular End-Diastolic Volume [ml]n=50167.28±53.95n=66126.15±38.75
Left Atrial Volume [ml]n=50130.96±50.04n=6689.32±39.65
Mean Mitral Pressure Gradient [mmHg]NAn=723.16±1.41
Severe Mitral Regurgitation [N (%)]n=7747 (61.0%)n=741 (1.4%)

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