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A Interesting Case Of Successful Valve In Valve Implantation In A Fracture Bio Prosthetic Valve
Attaullah K. Niazi1, Mohammed Sharif Nassery
1King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan,
2French Medical Institute for Mothers and children, Kabul, Afghanistan
BACKGROUND: Presenting complaint: • A 77-year-old male patient presents with breathlessness on exertion on walking one flight of stairs or greater since 2017. Past medical history: Patient has a history of diabetes and hypertension. In 2008, the patient had an episode of NSTEMI followed by PCI with
stenting of the mid-LAD. In 2013, the patient had another episode of NSTEMI followed by PCI with stenting of proximal LAD. In 2017, he had a worsening dyspnea with:
➢Moderate mitral regurgitation with mild left ventricular systolic dysfunction.
➢Progressive CAD, CABG (SVG graft to LAD and LCX-OM) with MVR (Bioprosthetic valve)
➢Patient felt short of breath on moving uphill postoperatively and could cover a maximum of 1 km on level ground.
METHODS: Investigations: • Trans-esophageal echocardiography was done. • NT Pro-BNP = 3000 pg/ml
• Mean PA pressure = 40 mmHg (Cath)
• Echo shows prosthetic valve dysfunction: ➢Bio-prosthetic valve thickened with restricted mobility. ➢Trans-mitral mean gradient = 11 mmHg
➢Mitral regurgitation • CT parameters are also shown
Procedure: Trans-catheter mitral valve in valve implantation
Trans-femoral access
TEE-guided procedure under
General anesthesia
6 month follow up: • Significant improvement in his symptoms • Mean mitral gradient = 4 mmHg
• No valve thrombosis
• This case highlights a successful valve in valve implantation in a fractured bio- prosthetic valve to optimize the hemodynamic status. • Post Angiography, Fluroscopy and Echo
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