Before you travel to Prague, pack for Central European weather which has highs in the 60°s F and lows in the 50°s F. Raingear is recommended.
When you arrive at Prague - Ruzyně Airport there are a number of transportation options from the airport to the Hilton Prague and nearby hotels.
Bus 100 runs from the airport to Zlicin metro station, 15 minutes from the airport. Bus 119 and bus 254 run from the airport to Dejvick Metro station, which is located 20 minutes from the airport. Two night bus services operate after hours. Services are operated by DP Praha (tel: (02) 9619 1817; website:, which has an information desk in the Arrivals hall.
Registered taxis operated by FIX (tel: (02) 2056 1788) are available in front of the Arrivals hall.
Minibuses operated by CEDAZ (tel: (02) 2011 4286) serve the airport.
Minibus stands are located in front of the Arrivals hall.