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Giant Bochdalek Hernia Repair, A Total Abdominal Approach
Jonathan Nitz, MD1, Alexandra Kharazi, MD2, Nga Tran, BS2, Lauren Forbes, MPH2, Mark Iannettoni, MD2, James Speicher, MD2.
1University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Peoria, IL, USA, 2East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine, Greenville, NC, USA.

BACKGROUND: This case is an example of a rare congenital hernia of the diaphragm that persisted into the patient’s adult life with minimal symptoms. After subsequently developing symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, the patient was diagnosed and sought surgical consultation. A large congenital hernia repair may on occasion prompt a planned invasive approach, but current practice favors a minimally invasive techniques.
METHODS: A minimally invasive transabdominal approach was used to effectively reduce and repair this hernia.
RESULTS: The patient has remained free of recurrence and has had resolution of her symptoms after 18 months of follow-up.
CONCLUSIONS: Minimally invasive techniques are common practice in surgical interventions for diseases of the foregut and diaphragm. This case illustrates that even the largest and rarest of these can be handled in a similar fashion and achieve durable results.

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