ISMICS 17 Annual Scientific Meeting, 7-10 June 2017, Rome Cavalieri, Rome, Italy
ISMICS 17 Annual Scientific Meeting, 7-10 June 2017, Rome Cavalieri, Rome, Italy
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Outcome Of Robotic (minimaly Invasive) fundoplication As Day Surgery
Nizar Yamani, MD, Abdulaziz A. Aldrees, MD.
King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of GERD in the Saudi Arabia was 23.47%, another systematic review reported that the prevalence was 10% to 20% in the Western world. A prospective review for Robotic / laparascopic fundoplication Performed as day surgery focusing on outcome and safety .
METHODS: A prospective study of 123 patient who underwent Robotic / laparoscopic fundoplication as day surgery (6-18 stay ), .taking in consideration the pre-op course,type of surgery, and the post op course, and patient outcome In our institution, many patients had the GERD surgery as a day surgery without any complications. Most of them are satisfied with the outcome, and their symptoms resolved quickly confirming that it is a safe practice for most patients that fit the criteria.
RESULTS: at the beginning of our surgery experience admission and post op swallowing study was mandatory for the first 45 patients, later a criterion for fast tracking of pt.’s and 6-18 Hr. Day case surgery protocol was implemented. most OF THE PATIENT are ASA 1-2, 38% had gerd symptoms sever enough to affect their life style, More tan 40 % of our pt.’s has significant Extra GI manifestation of GERD, Bronchial Asthma was the most common . more than 30% cases Were done AS robotic Procedure, with 1 case of conversion to open 98% had minimal blood loss. less than 9% of patients were admitted more than 24 hour post op for different reason, all discharged uneventfully
CONCLUSIONS: Robotic / laparoscopic fundoplication HAS EXCELLENT OUTCOME AND SFETY when DONE AS A DAY SURGERY. admission of patients and POST OP SWALLOING STUDY DOESN’T IMPROVE THE OUTCOME and is not COST EFFECTIVE Patient safety, Outcome and satisfaction may be even better if they had the operation as a day surgery procedure

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