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Thirugnanam Agasthian.
National University Hospital, Singpore, Singapore.

OBJECTIVE: Vats lobectomy or segmentectomy after previous lobectomies is uncommon. It's safety and feasibility is reviewed.
METHODS: Between 2006 and 2009, 6 out of 21 (2.2%) of vats major resections were for repeat vats lobectomy or segmentectomy.No cases were converted to thoracotomy. All underwent preoperative staging PET scans and pulmonary function test. Extent of repeat surgey was determined by type of previous surgery, residual lung capacity and underlying pathology.Technical considerations include careful lysis of chestwall and hilar adhesions during mobilisation of hilar structures when reoperating on the same side. Special anaesthetic techniques to tolerate single lung ventilation were needed when operating on the contralateral side. In 2 cases with previous left lobectomies,selective isolation of the intermediate bronchus by bronchial blocker allowed for successful right vats lower lobectomy with associated lymphadenectomy.In 2 cases with previous lobectomy applying CPAP(5 to 10mm Hg pressure) to the operative lung allowed for right vats anterior segmentectomy and right upper lobectomy to be performed safely with adequate oxygenation. All surgeries were performed totally endoscopically by watching the TV monitor using a 2-3 cm non-rib spreading utility incision with individual division of the hilar structures.
RESULTS: 5 were males. Mean age was 59.8 years(range,50-71).Mean interval between surgeries was 12.5yrs(range,4-30yrs).Indcations for repeat surgery was metachronous lung cancer in 5 and bronchiectasis in 1. Previous surgery was done by thoracotomy in 5 and by Vats in 1. Prior surgery was lobectomy for lung cancer in 4 and bronchiectasis in 2.Mean hospital stay was 5.4 days(range,3-11days).Duration of surgery was 172mins(range,120-300mins).Repeat vats resections were 4 lobectomies and 2 segmentectomies.In 2 cases the surgery were done on the same side as previous surgery. There were no mortality and 1 had atrial fibrillation.
CONCLUSIONS: Repeat Vats major resections can be done safely after previous lobectomies.Attention to dissecting scarred hilar structures is needed when operating on the same side as previous surgery. Modified anaesthetic strategies may be needed when operating on the opposite side for single lung ventilation.
Table 1
Male/71yearsLeft upper double sleeve lobectomy/thoracotomy/Stage IIIA lung cancerRight Vats lower lobectomy/StageIA lung cancer6 years
Male/50yearsLeft upper lobectomy/thoracotomy/bronchiectasisRight vats lower lobectomy/bronchiectasis30 years
Male/53yearsRight upper lobectomy/thoracotomy/Stage IA lung cancerRight vats superior segmentectomy lower lobe/Stage IA lung cancer5 years
Male/68yerasLeft lower lobectomy/thoracotomy/Stage IB lung cancerRight vats anterior segmentectomy upper lobe/Stage IA lung cancer4 years
Male/65yearsRight Vats lower lobectomy/StageIB lung cancerRight Vats middle lobectomy4 years
Male/52yearsLeft lower lobectomy/thoracotomy/bronchiectasisRight Vats upper lobetomy/Stage IB lung cancer25 years

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