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Hybrid Coronary Revascularization; A Game Changer
Francis P. Sutter1, Timothy A. Shapiro1, MaryAnn Wertan1, Francis D. Ferdinand1, Janet L. Reynolds1, Anny Luong2, Vanessa J. Cambria-Mengel1, Li Zhang3.
1Lankenau Medical Center, Wynnewood, PA, USA, 2Lankenau Hospital, Wynnewood, PA, USA, 3Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, Wynnewood, PA, USA.
Hybrid Revascularization, combining survival benefit of left internal mammary artery (LIMA) to left anterior descending (LAD) artery with advances of coronary stents, holds promise as a valuable option in treatment of complex coronary disease (CAD). 2011 AHA/ACC listed: Heart Team Approach - collaboration between interventional cardiology and cardiac surgeon for decision making in patients with complex CAD - a Class I, LOE C recommendation. Maintaining patient anonymity, we report our experience in this retrospective consecutive cohort of 275 patients - pre-planned staged hybrid coronary revascularization procedures - using beating heart, sternal sparing, robotic assisted coronary revascularization with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
Since May 2005, over 700 robotic assisted procedures were performed, 275 patients underwent staged hybrid revascularization from September 2005-October 31, 2011, 200 patients had surgery first, 75 underwent PCI first. Hybrid candidates include patients with complex CAD; those with ostial LAD disease, bifurcating disease, long lesions, chronic occlusion; left main with small circumflex amenable to later PCI; it is especially considered for patients at high risk for sternotomy; elderly, frail, obese, other co-morbidities; and for young who may require future surgery.
Preoperative risks / co-morbidities for hybrids mirrored our institutional data. 44% with double vessel disease, 55% triple vessel and 10.7% left main disease. 45.4% had greater than one distal graft; 34% had bilateral IMA grafts placed. 18% had COPD, posing no difficulty to single lung ventilation; 87.1% were extubated in OR; 1.5% required reintubation and 1.9% remained ventilated > 24hours. 12% were taking Clopidogrel or Prasugrel; which were not deterrents to scheduling surgery. 56 patients required transfusions; 4.5% intra-operatively, 16% postoperatively. Noteworthy, no patients returned to OR. STS predicted risk of mortality was 2.3%, observed mortality 1.09%.
Hybrid coronary revascularization enhances collaboration and team approach to patient care; maximizing the advantages of PCI and surgery; while decreasing complications associated with sternotomy. Precise robotic movements and meticulous attention avert the need for re-exploration. Full cardiology adoption, institutional outcomes, program growth, and patient satisfaction emphasize potential for greater adoption of available technology and minimally invasive functional revascularization - offering patients promising alternatives with individualized treatment plans.
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